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Top 10 harmful medications found around the house

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Almost anything in the best (or wrong) dose can become incredibly harmful or even deadly. even something as seemingly harmless as water, given in a high enough quantity, can cause blood cells to become unstable and may result in major health consequences. fortunately for us, however, our animals seem smarter than numerous people and it’s not likely your cat is going to drink eight gallons of water to show off in front of his other feline friends. but some medications can become major hazards in even incredibly small doses. A dose the size of the suggestion of a needle of certain medications and chemicals can be enough to cause major harm or even death to a cat or a dog.

The following is a list of the most common human and animal medications that can be incredibly dangerous, and are found in numerous households. This is not a complete list by any stretch of the imagination; hundreds if not thousands of other medications could have also made this list:

Acetaminophen – e.g. Tylenol

Fluoxetine – e.g. Prozac

Acetylsalicylic acid – i.e. Aspirin

Levothyroxine – e.g. Soloxine, Synthroid

Diphenhydramine – e.g. Benadryl

Warfarin – i.e. Coumadin

Digoxin – e.g. Lanoxin

Methylphenidate – e.g. Ritalin

Pseudoephedrine – e.g. Sudafed

Oral hypoglycemics- e.g. Glucotrol

Today we’ll focus on the most popular product of all, a product that can be found in practically every household in the nation – that product is called acetaminophen. Acetaminophen (for example, Tylenol, among others) is typically prescribed to children with fevers and to adults with pain. It is also seen in numerous combination products such as Vicodin and Tylenol with codeine. numerous over-the-counter cough and cold medication such as Nyquil and Dayquil also include acetaminophen. There is a long list of products that include acetaminophen, which is why reading the label is very important. If this medication is given in sensible doses, it has proven pretty safe in humans; however, that does not imply that it is also safe in pets.

Many cats have gone into liver failure after ingesting even a small dose. Within 20 to 30 minutes, acetaminophen levels can be already measured in the blood and can begin causing damage. The first thing that acetaminophen typically attacks is the liver, causing comprehensive damage and at times this could result in liver failure. another thing that happens is potential damage to red blood cells–the blood no longer has the ability to carry oxygen.  All cells in the body need oxygen to survive.

Symptoms of acetaminophen toxicity may include fast breathing, stomach pain, the gums may be discolored brown (cells not carrying oxygen properly) or blue (inadequate blood supply). There may be swelling of the extremities, and finally this toxicity could result in collapse then death.

If you realize that your pet has just ingested acetaminophen, inducing vomiting can remove the drug from the pet’s stomach before absorption. call the vet immediately. because absorption occurs so rapidly and vomiting might not be enough or fast enough, your veterinarian has a variety of options to avoid even more absorption (e.g. activated charcoal). Your pet’s veterinarian also has a variety of medications such as N-acetylcysteine that avoid toxic substances from forming and causing even more liver damage. The veterinarian may want to do blood transfusions, place the pet on intravenous fluids, or offer other medications that could help support the liver such as Denamarin tablets. Denamarin includes the antioxidant Silybin which has shown to improve liver function by raising glutathione levels. Glutathione is an antioxidant that helps safeguard cells from toxins such as the byproducts of acetaminophen metabolism.

Since many cases of acetaminophen toxicity are preventable, the best guidance is to childproof your home and place all of your medication someplace safe from both animals and children. another way to avoid toxicity is to make sure nobody gives your pet any medication without checking with you first. That being said, it is essential to know what your pet can and cannot take. Last but not least, if your pet gets into something such as acetaminophen, the most essential thing to do for the health of your loving companion is to take him over to the veterinarian. In cases of poisoning, your veterinarian may be able to do some things early on that are not available later after the damage has already occurred.

If you have any medication related questions please don’t hesitate to call your 1800PetMeds pharmacist for assistance.



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[New Product] help treat your Pet’s Seborrhea

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What is Seborrhea?

Canine and feline Seborrhea is a skin condition that can either be inherited (primary) or occur as a result of another medical issue (secondary), both of which can be treated with cleansers like DOUXO Seborrhea Shampoo. While relatively rare in both cats and dogs, primary seborrhea is common in Persian and Himalayan cats. dog breeds that are most commonly known for suffering from Canine Seborrhea are Shar-Peis, West Highland, White Terriers (Westies), Doberman Pinschers, American Cocker Spaniels, German Shepherds, English Springer Spaniels, golden Retrievers, Basset Hounds, Labrador Retrievers, Irish Setters,  and Dachshunds.

Secondary seborrheic dermatitis is more commonly a result of other medical conditions, like:


Fleas and ticks




Autoimmune disorders

Endocrine disorders (Cushing’s and thyroid disease)

Dietary deficiencies (poor diet/obesity)

Malabsorption disorders

Fungal infection (especially yeast skin infections)

Bacterial infection

Environmental factors (changes in temperature or humidity)

Poor grooming

Cancer (especially cutaneous lymphoma)

Does my pet have a seborrheic skin condition?

Your pet may be suffering from seborrhea dermatitis if you notice they have dry, flaky skin (dandruff), greasy skin and hair that usually emits a foul smell, inflamed skin, and scratching. If your pet scratches the affected areas too much, it may lead to bleeding, crusting, or hair loss.

If you notice any of these symptoms, take your pet in to see your veterinarian. If it’s a secondary condition, you may be able to rid your pet of seborrhea altogether by taking care of the medical condition that is causing it. If it’s primary seborrhea, you can manage the symptoms with shampoos and sprays.

Relieve your pet’s seborrheic symptoms with DOUXO Seborrhea Shampoo

DOUXO Seborrhea Shampoo is a soap-free formulated shampoo meant to treat symptoms of all types of seborrhea skin conditions in dogs and cats. It cleans greasy, dry, flaky, and scaly skin while moisturizing and soothing the skin.

The main ingredient, phytosphingosine, contains moisturizing and soothing agents that help restore the skin barrier, which aids in bringing the skin back to normal. DOUXO Seborrhea Shampoo also helps the skin maintain normal bacterial and yeast flora.

DOUXO Seborrhea Shampoo is an over-the-counter product, available in a 16.9 oz bottle. It can also be used alongside DOUXO Seborrhea Micro-Emulsion Spray. talk to your vet and see if DOUXO Seborrhea Shampoo is right for your dog.

Win free DOUXO Seborrhea Shampoo for Dogs and Cats!

Does your dog or cat suffer from a seborrheic skin condition? restore your pet’s skin with DOUXO Seborrhea Shampoo! just leave a comment below and you could win free bottle of DOUXO Seborrhea Shampoo from 1800PetMeds! One winner will be chosen at random on Thursday, July 12, 2018, so everyone who participates has a chance to win! (Limited to residents of the U.S.) good luck!

Congrats to the drawing winner, Michelle M. We’ll send you an email about claiming your prize! 

AllergiesCat HealthDogsGiveawaysHealth benefits of PetsNew ProductsPet CareSkin and Coat

លិត – ពុះ!

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នេះពិតជាឆ្ងាញ់ណាស់! ហើយខ្ញុំក៏ទទួលបានមើលម៉ាក់ខ្ញុំដេកនៅលើខ្នងរបស់នាងនៅក្រោមតុដែលព្យាយាមថតរូបខ្ញុំ។




កុំបារម្ភ, ហាលីឃ្វីនក៏មានអ្នកខ្លះដែរ។ ហើយតុនេះបានសម្អាតទាំងអស់ក្នុងករណីដែលអ្នកកំពុងព្រួយបារម្ភអំពីមេរោគ។


ការសារភាពរបស់ Daisy

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ភាគច្រើនខ្ញុំព្យាយាមធ្វើជាកូនច្បងដ៏អស្ចារ្យប៉ុន្តែជឿឬមិនជឿខ្ញុំមិនតែងតែជាទេវតាទេ។ ដរាបណាអ្នកព្យាយាមធ្វើល្អវាមិនអីទេប្រសិនបើអ្នកធ្វើឱ្យមានកំហុសក៏ដូចជាធ្វើសកម្មភាពខ្សោយបន្តិចនៅពេលក្នុងពេលមួយ។ ថ្ងៃនេះខ្ញុំនឹងចែករំលែករឿងក្រីក្រមួយចំនួនដែលខ្ញុំធ្វើពេលខ្លះ។

ខ្ញុំសារភាពថាខ្ញុំរីករាយក្នុងការផ្តល់ការខាំ។ យ៉ាងណាមិញវាចាំបាច់ណាស់ក្នុងការធ្វើឱ្យប្រាកដថាធ្មេញរបស់អ្នកទាំងអស់មានរាងអស្ចារ្យ។ ខ្ញុំជឿថាវាល្អក្នុងការផ្តល់ការខាំដរាបណាអ្នកមិនធ្វើឱ្យឈាមប្រភេទណាមួយចេញមក។

ខ្ញុំជាអ្នកមើលទៅក៏ដូចជាខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តធ្វើចារកម្មលើអ្នកជិតខាង។ ប្រហែលជាប្រសិនបើខ្ញុំវាយក្រុមសហគមន៍រីករាយខ្ញុំអាចកែប្រែវាទៅក្នុងគុណធម៌មួយ!

ពេលខ្លះប្រសិនបើខ្ញុំឆ្កួតខ្លាំងខ្ញុំផ្តល់ក្រញ៉ាំកណ្តាល។ ខ្ញុំគ្មានហេតុផលសម្រាប់រឿងនេះទេ។


ហើយចុងក្រោយលោកអនុប្រធានធ្ងន់ធ្ងររបស់ខ្ញុំច្រើន: ខ្ញុំមានការញៀនបញ្ឆោតឱ្យកក្រើក។

តើការធ្វើសង្គ្រាមបញ្ឆោតរបស់អ្នកគឺជាអ្វី? ខ្ញុំសន្យាថាខ្ញុំនឹងមិនប្រាប់ទេ!

Feline Hyperesthesia

ការចែករំលែកការចែករំលែករបស់ AtrageComBookare ទៅ TwyPoBookshplesse ទៅ TwitterTwitterTwittershare ទៅ PinterestpinterstpinterstShare8

បើមិនដូច្នោះទេដែលត្រូវបានគេស្គាល់ថាជាជំងឺស្បែករំកិលការជំងឺស្បែកហ្វេលឡីនស្ទីសៀត្រូវបានគេជឿថាជាប្រភេទដ៏កម្រនៃការរឹបអូសជំងឺក្នុងសត្វឆ្មា។ ជំងឺ FelleSthesia ជាធម្មតាកើតឡើងជាធម្មតានៅពេលដែលភាគភ្លាមៗដែលអាចកើតឡើងជាញឹកញាប់ពេញមួយថ្ងៃឬម្តងម្កាលនៅលើមូលដ្ឋានប្រចាំសប្តាហ៍ប្រចាំខែឬមិនសូវជាញឹកញាប់។

រោគសញ្ញាចាប់ផ្តើមជាធម្មតាជាមួយនឹងការផ្លាស់ប្តូរនិងធ្វើឱ្យសិស្សដែលពន្យារពេលហើយជាធម្មតារួមបញ្ចូលទាំងការកើនឡើងជាទូទៅក្នុងសកម្មភាពដែលមិនស្រួល។ ស្បែកអាចចាប់ផ្តើមរមួលនិងរំកិលហើយឆ្មាអាចចាប់ផ្តើមអាកប្បកិរិយាខ្លាំងក្លាដែលអាចត្រូវបានដឹកនាំនៅឯអាណាព្យាបាលក៏ដូចជាប្រឆាំងនឹងខ្លួនវា។ ខ្ញុំបានឃើញសត្វឆ្មាជាច្រើនចាប់ផ្តើមខាំជើងរបស់ពួកគេឬខ្នងរបស់ពួកគេក៏ដូចជាខាំនិងវាយលុកកន្ទុយ។ រយៈពេលនៃវគ្គ helesthesia របស់ Felesthesia អាចប្រែប្រួលពីវិនាទីទៅពីរបីនាទីហើយជាធម្មតាឆ្មានឹងហូរតាមផ្ទះដោយភ័យខ្លាចនៅចុងបញ្ចប់នៃវគ្គនេះ។

មូលហេតុនៃជំងឺហឺតរបស់ Feline Hyperesthesia គឺមិនត្រូវបានគេដឹងច្រើនទេទោះបីទិដ្ឋភាពហ្សែនដើរតួក្នុងពូជខ្លះដូចជានៅក្នុងសត្វឆ្មាភូមាសៀមសៀមនិងហ៊ីឡាយ៉ាយ៉ា។ ខ្ញុំក៏បានឃើញករណីចៃឆ្កេនិង / ឬអាឡែរហ្សីអាហារដែលបានបង្ហាញនៅក្នុងសត្វឆ្មាមួយចំនួននៅពេលដែលរោគសញ្ញានៃជំងឺបេះដូងរបស់ Feline Hyperesthesia ។ ក្នុងស្ថានភាពទាំងនេះការព្យាបាលចៃឆ្កេនិង / ឬអាឡែរហ្សីអាហារអាចដោះស្រាយរោគសញ្ញាបាន។ ទោះយ៉ាងណាក្នុងករណីភាគច្រើនការគ្រប់គ្រងវេជ្ជសាស្រ្តត្រូវបានដឹកនាំដោយមានរោគសញ្ញាកាត់បន្ថយភាពធ្ងន់ធ្ងរនិងអាំងតង់ស៊ីតេនៃភាគទាំងនេះ។

ថ្នាំ SSRI រួមទាំង Prozac ត្រូវបានប្រើក្នុងវិស័យជាច្រើនក៏ដូចជាថ្នាំញៀនរបស់មនុស្ស Gabapentin ។ ថ្មីៗនេះនាងលីអូរីក៏ត្រូវបានគេប្រើក្នុងការគ្រប់គ្រងសត្វឆ្មាដោយប្រើហ្វែលហ្វីហ្វើរហេហេស្ទីសៀផងដែរ។



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ខ្ញុំមានព័ត៌មានសំខាន់ៗមួយចំនួនក្នុងការចែករំលែកជាមួយអ្នកនៅថ្ងៃនេះ! ខែមិថុនាគឺទទួលយកមួយខែឆ្មា។ ហើយពេលវេលាល្អបំផុតព្រោះនេះជា “រដូវ Kitti” នៅពេលដែលជម្រកច្រើនហៀរទឹកហូរជាមួយសត្វឆ្មានិងកូនឆ្មាដែលត្រូវការផ្ទះ។ ខ្ញុំមានសំណាងណាស់ដែលមានផ្ទះពោរពេញទៅដោយក្តីស្រឡាញ់និងប្រូសប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងជាច្រើន។ ប៉ុន្តែមានសត្វឆ្មាជាច្រើនមានសំណាងតិចហើយអាចសុបិន្តបានតែថ្ងៃមួយថ្ងៃក៏មានផ្ទះរបស់ពួកគេដែរ។

តើអ្នកកំពុងគិតពីការបន្ថែមឆ្មាឬកូនឆ្មាមួយទៅផ្ទះរបស់អ្នកទេ? បើដូច្នោះមែនមគ្គុទេសក៍របស់សត្វចិញ្ចឹមនេះដើម្បីទទួលយកឆ្មាមានអ្វីគ្រប់យ៉ាងដែលអ្នកត្រូវដឹងមុនពេលនាំផ្ទះរបស់អ្នកថ្មីរបស់អ្នកមក។

ខ្ញុំក៏មានព័ត៌មានបន្ថែមនៅខាងក្នុងផងដែរអំពីការទទួលយកឆ្មាថ្មីដែលខ្ញុំចង់ចែករំលែកជាមួយអ្នក។ ឃើញសត្វឆ្មាខ្មៅនិងសកំពុងដើរនៅពីក្រោយខ្ញុំ? នោះហើយជាហាលី។ គាត់បានរស់នៅអស់រយៈពេលជាច្រើនខែនៅក្នុងទីជំរកមួយមុនពេលដែលគាត់ត្រូវបានចិញ្ចឹមនិងទាក់ទងនឹងរស់នៅជាមួយខ្ញុំ។ ហូតលីច្រើនតែបំផ្លាញពេលវេលាល្អរបស់ខ្ញុំហើយដើរតួដូចជាម៉ាយស៊ី។ អ្នកប្រហែលជាកំពុងគិតថា “ប៉ុន្តែដាយ, ចុះប្រសិនបើខ្ញុំចិញ្ចឹមឆ្មាមួយហើយខ្ញុំទទួលបានអាក្រក់មួយដូចជាហាលី?”

នេះគឺជាអាថ៌កំបាំង: ខ្ញុំនៅតែស្រលាញ់ Maniac! ដូច្នេះមិនថាឆ្មាឬកូនឆ្មាណាដែលអ្នកជ្រើសរើសខ្ញុំដឹងថាអ្នកនឹងស្រឡាញ់គាត់ឬនាង។ ដូចគ្នានេះផងដែរអ្នកនឹងមានអារម្មណ៍រីករាយខ្លាំងណាស់ដែលឆ្មាដែលអ្នកបានទទួលមិនចាំបាច់រស់នៅក្នុងជំរកទៀតទេ។ ខ្ញុំស្គាល់សត្វឆ្មាផ្សេងទៀតនៅជំរករបស់ហលលីមានសេចក្តីសោមនស្សរីករាយដែលបានឃើញគាត់ទៅដោយព្រោះគាត់ចូលចិត្តប្រកាន់ខ្ជាប់ប្រដាប់ប្រដាក្មេងលេងទាំងអស់។

Daisy ការអនុម័តការចិញ្ចឹមអង្កាញ់

Can Dogs eat Pretzels? read this before you Feed it

Are you anxious about your Puppy That had a couple of amounts of pretzels? If that is so, there is nothing to fear about and your puppy will soon get well soon.

If you need to help out him and limit the things From becoming worse, be certain you feed sufficient water for your puppy. another substantial factor that we ought to notice above is that you ought to consistently offer you plain pretzels for your pet rather than mixing salt combined with it.

Can My dog eat Pretzels?

Yeah, sodium or salt is the true offender! It’s absolutely fine provided that you’re supplying those ordinary pretzels for your puppy. the most important difficulty arises only once you add salt into your serving.

Pretzels are usually thought to be better snacks compared to that of popcorns. They are rather like that of this bread and you and your puppy appear to enjoy it like part of your deal.

Although they are not bad for your puppy, take good care of the pretzels continue being unsalted. For this reason, you need to always choose to choose a ‘no-salt’ or even a ‘low-salt’ variety.


    Which are the steps which you would consider before feeding pretzels for your puppy?

    Is swallowing pretzels poisonous to dogs?

    Why are pretzels not suggested to puppies?

    What will happen to a dog if he inadvertently consumes pretzels?

    exactly how can garlic poisoning become crucial?

    could dogs have candy pretzels?


Which are the steps that you would consider prior to Feeding pretzels for your puppy?

Before You’re feeding pretzels for your dog, treat some couple things if you don’t want your puppy to fall ill for no reason!

Prevent salt: The significant trouble here isn’t using the pretzels however using all the sodium content inside. because of this, it’s crucial to make sure you provide the unsalted pretzels for your puppy.

Obviously, the ones that are salty may seem to be tastier to your own dog, but that is not healthy in any way. Your pet’s stomach stands to be crucial than his taste buds, so is not it?

Larger quantity: however much your dog loves pretzels, you need to always notice the amount before supplying it. prefer to function pretzels in a little quantity rather than handing over the whole bucket into your puppy just because he’s been asking you for this!

Provide pretzels sometimes: ensure intaking pretzels is not getting a normal habit for the dog. It is fine if your puppy loves to possess those yummy snacks, but it should not become part of its routine diet with no opportunity. Your pet might have it sometimes but perhaps not on a regular basis.

Is swallowing pretzels poisonous to dogs?

Consuming pretzels is bad for puppies. Yeah, it’s! This is Not only pertinent to the usage of pretzels but the exact same holds for consuming some additional salted food also.

Eating too much salt in relation to your dog really needs will Make him hungry over and over again. because of this, you need to always feed sufficient water for your dog if it’s absorbed pretzels.

Surplus sodium will become crucial to puppies, Resulting in salt poisoning. It might make your puppy smoke and feel bloated throughout the day.

It might even direct your pet to depression, nausea, Tremors and elevated temperatures also .

Why are pretzels not suggested to puppies?

Pretzels are nothing aside from the bits of bread. But, they are not suggested to puppies since the groundwork entails certain other components also that are not any way beneficial for dogs.

Consuming pretzels will direct your puppy to eat the Toppings also, which will in-turn, create his wellbeing worse!

Yeah, pretzels Are usually coated with chocolate toppings Or are sprinkled with salt or stone. Not one of them are in fact great for your puppy’s health.

Therefore, It’s best to Make sure That you enlarge your puppy To possess the whole part of pretzels.

What will happen to a dog when he inadvertently consumes pretzels?

If Your dog stops pretzels, be certain Which you feed sufficient water . considering that the puppies have a bigger threshold compared to individuals, salt poisoning can become much worse!

This simply implies that consuming a large amount of salt will not Be potential for the dog. You might do it away though! Your pet will not find it simple by any opportunity.

Hence, be careful that you aren’t feeding Them pretzels. but when he’s swallowed any, attempt to boost the fluid consumption in order it may accelerate the digestion procedure for your puppy.

In certain cases, You might find things turning intense, the Finest approach to deal with your puppy will be to take him into the vet promptly.

How can garlic poisoning become crucial?

Salt poisoning only implies that the salt content on your little one’s body has improved. The human body’s metabolism of almost any organism is that it attempts to process the human digestion.

Because of This, There’s a good dealនៃសំពាធដែលមិនចាំបាច់នៅលើប្រព័ន្ធឈាមរេរក្រលៀននិងឈាមរត់នៃមិត្តភក្តិរោមសត្វ។ កូនឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកចាប់ផ្តើមទទួលទានទឹកច្រើនចេញពីរាងកាយរបស់គាត់ទាំងមូល។

ទោះបីមិនមានឆ្កែច្រើននឹងបង្ហាញរោគសញ្ញាស្រដៀងគ្នាក៏ដោយពួកគេមានច្រើនឬតិចពិតប្រាកដដូចគ្នានេះទេ! ផលវិបាកធម្មតាមួយចំនួនរួមមានការចង្អោរភាពវង្វេងស្មារតីការវង្វេងស្មារតីលើសការដែលមិនអាចគ្រប់គ្រងបាន, ចង្អោរ, ហើមហើម, និងការឈឺក្បាលប្រកាំង។


នៅពេលយើងបញ្ជាក់ថាកូនឆ្កែនោះប្រហែលជាមិនមានអំបិល pretzels ទេយើងបញ្ជាក់ថាឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកអាចមាន pretzels ដែលមិនមានសុវត្ថិភាពជួនកាល។

ផ្ទុយទៅវិញប្រសិនបើអ្នកកំពុងគិតអំពីប្រសិនបើឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកអាចមានស្ករគ្រាប់ pretzels ឬប្រហែលជាមិនមែន, នោះក៏មិនត្រូវបានណែនាំផងដែរ។

នេះគឺដោយសារតែការធ្វើទារុណកម្មស្ករគ្រាប់រួមមានការធ្វើឱ្យប៉ះពាល់ដល់កូនឆ្កែដែលបានធ្វើឱ្យកូនឆ្កែបរិភោគ។ លើសពីនេះទៀតមាន xylitol ដែលអាក្រក់ណាស់សម្រាប់សត្វចិញ្ចឹមរបស់អ្នក។

ប្រសិនបើអ្នកត្រូវការចែករំលែកស្ករគ្រាប់ពីរបីពីរបី, ទៅក្នុងស្លាកនិងរកឃើញការចុះបញ្ជីសមាសធាតុដើម្បីសង្កេតមើលថាមិនមែនមួយនៃធាតុពុលនោះមាននៅក្នុងទំនិញនោះទេ។


កុំបារម្ភ, ប្រសិនបើឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកញ៉ាំ pretzel មួយ, គាត់គួរតែមិនអីទេ, ប៉ុន្តែបន្ទុក pretzels ពេកគឺមានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ហើយអាចបណ្តាលឱ្យមានការពុលអំបិល។ Salt poisoning leads to various complications such as lethargy, diarrhea, depression, unnecessary thirst and urination, tremors, seizures, coma, and even death.

តើខ្ញុំអាចផ្តល់ឱ្យឆ្កែរបស់ខ្ញុំ pretzel បានទេ?

ដើម្បីឱ្យមានភាពយុត្តិធម៌ទាំងស្រុង, pretzels មិនមានភាពល្អប្រសើរសម្រាប់ឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកទេ។ ពួកគេមិនមែនជាអាហារដែលមានសុខភាពល្អបំផុតដែលអ្នកអាចផ្គត់ផ្គង់ឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកបានទេប៉ុន្តែពួកគេមិនស្លាប់សម្រាប់ពួកគេទេ។ … Pretzels គឺជាបំណែកនំប៉័ងតូចៗ។ ការលំបាកគឺថាពួកគេមានអំបិលអំបិលដែលមិនសមស្របសម្រាប់ឆ្កែរបស់យើង។

តើសត្វឆ្កែអាចមានបំណែកនៃ pretzel មួយ?

ឆ្កែអាចញ៉ាំទន់ទន់ ៗ ។ Pretzels ទន់គឺមានសុវត្ថិភាពដូចគ្រាប់ពណ៌ដើមដូច្នេះវាគ្មានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ទេក្នុងការផ្តល់ឱ្យឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកខាំ pretzel ទន់នៅលើ jacture atypical ប៉ុន្តែអ្នកមិនគួរបង្កើតវាជាផ្នែកមួយនៃរបបអាហាររបស់ពួកគេ។

ឆ្កែអាចញ៉ាំបាន 3 ដង?

ការផ្តល់អាហារដល់ពួកគេបីឬបួនដងក្នុងមួយថ្ងៃដែលមានភាពងាយស្រួលសម្រាប់កូនឆ្កែងាយរំលេចនិងជួយដល់កម្រិតថាមពលដែលអាចទុកចិត្តបាន។ ទោះយ៉ាងណាក៏ដោយវាគួរឱ្យកត់សម្គាល់ដែលមិនចិញ្ចឹមពួកគេចាប់តាំងពីកូនឆ្កែលើសទម្ងន់គឺអាចទៅរួចដើម្បីក្លាយជាសត្វឆ្កែពេញវ័យដែលលើសទម្ងន់។

តើសត្វឆ្កែអាចមាន pretzels ដោយគ្មានអំបិលទេ?

ក្នុងករណីដែលអ្នកមានការព្រួយបារម្ភអ្នកមិនអាចធ្វើឱ្យឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកមានសុវត្ថិភាពពីអាហារសម្រន់របស់អ្នកដែលជាចំនួនអាហាររបស់មនុស្សដែលអាចទទួលយកបានក្នុងបរិមាណតិចតួច: សណ្តែកដីគ្មានខ្លាញ់ឬលីងបានផ្តាច់ចេញពីសំបករបស់ពួកគេ។ pretzels ដែលមិនបានចំណាយ។ សាច់មាន់ធម្មតា, សាច់គោសាច់គោ, ត្រី, ឬសាច់ចៀម។


ឆ្កែអាចស៊ី pretzels ខ្នាតតូច។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកអាចគ្រប់គ្រងបានថាតើអ្នកបានអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកញ៉ាំវាត្រូវបានការពារសម្រាប់ពួកគេក្នុងការធ្វើឱ្យពួកគេមួយឬពីរនាក់។ នេះត្រូវតែជាការព្យាបាលពិសេសគួរឱ្យជឿ។ កុំអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកញ៉ាំអាហារសម្រន់របស់មនុស្សឱ្យបានញឹកញាប់ពីព្រោះវាមានជាតិស្ករនិងស្ករច្រើនពេកសម្រាប់សត្វចិញ្ចឹមរបស់អ្នក។


ព័ត៌មានថ្នាក់ដំបូងគឺថាប៊ឺសណ្តែកដីធម្មតាមានសុវត្ថិភាពក្នុងការផ្តល់ជូនឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកថាជាការព្យាបាល។ គ្រឿងផ្សំដែលបណ្តាលឱ្យមានបញ្ហាគឺ Xylitol ដែលជាការឈរស្ករដែលមាននៅក្នុងផលិតផលទាបឬស្ករ។ ប្រសិនបើប៊ឺសណ្តែកដីដែលអ្នកធ្វើបទបង្ហាញឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកមិនព័ទ្ធជុំវិញ Xylitol ទេនោះមិត្តភក្តិដែលមានរោមរបស់អ្នកអាចរីករាយនឹងវាបាន។

តើ pretzels នឹងធ្វើឱ្យឆ្កែឈឺទេ?

វាមិនមែនជាគំនិតវណ្ណៈដំបូងដែលបានចូលរួមចំណែកក្នុងការចិញ្ចឹមអាហារប្រៃដូចជាឈីបឬ pretzels ជាមួយឆ្កែរបស់អ្នក។ រោគសញ្ញានៃអំបិលច្រើនពេករួមមានក្អួតរាគការធ្លាក់ទឹកចិត្តការញ័រសីតុណ្ហភាពនៅលើមេឃនិងការប្រកាច់។ វាអាចបណ្តាលឱ្យស្លាប់។

សត្វឆ្កែអាចមានជំងឺ pretzels ដែលមិនមានមូលដ្ឋានឬសូម្បីតែម្តងម្កាល, letzels ល្ងីល្ងើពេលខ្លះ។ ម៉្យាងវិញទៀតចំនួនទឹកប្រាក់គួរតែត្រូវបានកត់សម្គាល់។ លើសពីនេះទៀតអ្នកត្រូវផ្តល់ឱ្យ Pretzels សម្រាប់ឆ្កែរបស់អ្នកពេលខ្លះ។

សំខាន់សម្រាប់អ្នក: ប្រសិនបើក្នុងករណីដែលអ្នកត្រូវការកូនឆ្កែរបស់អ្នក (គ្រប់ប្រភេទ) ដើម្បីរស់បានច្រើនអ្នកចង់ឃiscover គ្រាន់តែឧស្សាហកម្មអាហារឆ្កែសំខាន់ៗដែលកខ្វក់តូចកខ្វក់កំពុងតែទទួលបានភាពជាក់លាក់រាប់មិនអស់ដែលមិនធ្លាប់មានមិនដែលមានបញ្ហាទាក់ទងនឹងបញ្ហានេះទេ។


ការចែករំលែកការចែករំលែកទៅ buttountshare ទៅ backfacebookshere ទៅ twittertwittertwittertwittershare ទៅ pinterestpinterstpinterstshare 2

កាលពីសប្តាហ៍មុន Erich ក៏ដូចជាខ្ញុំបានធ្វើការសម្រេចចិត្តថាវាជាពេលវេលាចុងក្រោយក្នុងការទទួលបាន Leo Neutered ។ យើងតែងតែយល់យើងប្រាថ្នាចង់ធ្វើឱ្យគាត់មានវិបុលភាពទោះយ៉ាងណាយើងមានអាយហ្វហ្វីប្រសិនបើពេលវេលារបស់វា។ ក្នុងចំណោមអត្ថបទទាំងអស់ដែលខ្ញុំបានអានពាក់កណ្តាលបានបញ្ជាក់ថាយើងត្រូវតែរង់ចាំរហូតដល់គាត់មានអាយុពី 18-24 ខែក៏ដូចជាពាក់កណ្តាលទៀតដែលបានចែងថាយើងត្រូវតែធ្វើវាមុនពេលគាត់មានអាយុ 1 ឆ្នាំ។ ពួកគេទាំងអស់បានថ្លែងថាពេលវេលាមានសារៈសំខាន់ណាស់ក្នុងការបញ្ឈប់ប្រភេទជំងឺឬមហារីកនៅពេលក្រោយក្នុងជីវិត។ យើងបានសួរវីអ៊ីធីរបស់យើងនៅពេលដែលយើងនាំឡេអូមកគាត់។ គាត់បានប្រាប់យើងនូវពេលវេលាដ៏ល្អបំផុតដើម្បីឱ្យគាត់ថេរនៅពេលដែលគាត់ចាប់ផ្តើមលើកជើងរបស់គាត់។

យើងបានទទួលយកដំបូន្មានរបស់វីអ៊ីធីរបស់យើងដោយយកចិត្តទុកដាក់លើទម្លាប់របស់ឡេអូក៏ដូចជាការសម្រេចចិត្តមួយដែលវាជាពេលវេលាដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យអ្នកមានជាប្រចាំ។ ឡេអូបានជួសជុលនៅសប្តាហ៍នេះក៏ដូចជាដំណើរការល្អ! គាត់កំពុងប្រើថ្នាំបំបាត់ការឈឺចាប់ខ្លះក៏ដូចជាការដើរដែលមិនគួរឱ្យជឿនៅជុំវិញ “កោណនៃភាពអាម៉ាស់របស់គាត់” របស់គាត់។

ល្ងាចបន្ទាប់ពីការវះកាត់ឡេអូខ្ញុំមានអារម្មណ៍ថាអន់ណាស់សម្រាប់គាត់។ គាត់នៅតែងងុយគេងខ្លាំងពីការប្រើថ្នាំសន្លប់ក៏ដូចជាការមានពេលវេលាលំបាកជាមួយនឹងកោណនេះដែរ។ នៅថ្ងៃបន្ទាប់គាត់គឺជាអ្នកលើកថ្មីមួយ! គាត់បានញ៉ាំអាហារពេលព្រឹកទាំងមូលរបស់គាត់ក៏ដូចជាលោតនៅជុំវិញកន្លែង។ វាពិបាកក្នុងការព្យាយាមការពារគាត់ពីការលោត។ ខ្ញុំអន្ទះសាគាត់នឹងបើកការវះកាត់របស់គាត់។

ខ្ញុំមិនប្រាកដថាត្រូវទុកគាត់ចោលទេនៅឯផ្ទះដើម្បីជាសះស្បើយឬបើវាជាការល្អប្រសើរជាងក្នុងការនាំគាត់មកធ្វើការដូច្នេះខ្ញុំអាចមើលថែរក្សាគាត់បាន។ អ្នកបច្ចេកទេសវីអ៊ីធីបានបញ្ជាក់ថាវាជាការប្រសើរណាស់ក្នុងការនាំគាត់ទៅធ្វើការក៏ដូចជាខ្ញុំរីករាយដែលខ្ញុំបានធ្វើ។ ដោយពិចារណាថាខ្ញុំអាចតាមដានទ្រង់បានខ្ញុំអាចកត់សម្គាល់ឃើញថាកោណរបស់ទ្រង់មិនសូវគ្រប់គ្រាន់ក៏ដូចជាគាត់អាចឈានដល់ការវះកាត់របស់គាត់ទេ។ ខ្ញុំបានចាប់យកកោណធំ ៗ ដើម្បីបញ្ឈប់វាពីការកើតឡើង។ ផេក!

សំណាងណាស់គាត់គ្រាន់តែពាក់កោណរបស់គាត់សម្រាប់រយៈពេល 4-6 ថ្ងៃបន្ទាប់ទៀតក៏ដូចជាគាត់នឹងបានជាសះស្បើយទាំងស្រុងក្នុងរយៈពេល 9 ថ្ងៃបន្ទាប់ឬដូច្នេះក៏ដូចជាយើងអាចត្រឡប់ទៅកន្លែងដើរលេងល្ងាចរបស់យើងវិញ។

Best 5 Gallon Fish tank

best 5 Gallon Fish Tank

When newcomers to aquarium maintenance start to consider incorporating an aquarium for their c frequent worry is distance. An 5 gallon fish tank is a terrific option for this.

They will frequently come in measurements of around 16″ x 8″ x 10″ and will fit on nearly any surface or desktop. Yet still they can be large enough to be paired with a heater and filter securely that a lot of fish will need to flourish and have delighted lives.

Fish deliver a different awareness of life into the air of an area. There’s not anything better than just taking from the appeal of fish swimming peacefully.

We’ve chosen five of their top 5 gallon fish aquariums. We also produced a buyer’s guide which tells you exactly what to look for when searching for the best aquarium.

Fish tank /Aquarium



API Aquaview 360 Aquarium Kit

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KollerCraft 6.5 Gallon Aquarium Kit

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Marineland ML90609 portrait Aquarium Kit

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Tetra Crescent acrylic Aquarium Kit

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Fluval Spec V Aquarium Kit

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Fish tank Buyer’s Guide

Features of a Fish Tank


Acrylic Versus Glass Fish Tanks

Acrylic Fish Tanks

Glass Fish Tanks


Best 5 Gallon Fish tank Reviews

AquaView 6-Gallon 360 Fish tank with Power Filter and LED Lighting

KollerCraft 6.5 Gallon Aquarium kit with internal Filter and LED Lighting

Marineland ML90609 portrait Aquarium Kit, 5-Gallon

Tetra Crescent acrylic Aquarium Kit

Fluval Spec V Aquarium Kit, 5-Gallon

The best Fish tank From Our Reviews

Fish tank Buyer’s Guide

Features of a Fish Tank

The normal 5-gallon fish tank comes equipped with a filtration system, man-made light and a few add a heater. A shirt, that is distinct from the central region of the scooter, is usually where the light process is placed.

The filtration process is a very crucial part of the 5 gallon tank. That is what distinguishes them by fish bowls. Fish bites aren’t healthful places to bring fish up as with no filter that the water immediately becomes cluttered and filled with toxins out of fish waste.

Fantastic water quality would be the basic principles of remarkable fish maintaining – which is the reason why we’d encourage upgrading from this fish bowl into an aquarium such as such 5-gallon kinds below.

Acrylic Versus Glass Fish Tanks

When shopping around for your first tank you will possibly see a diverse of designs and a variety of prices – and you may be thinking “what is the difference?”. One primary difference is the materials that you aquarium will be made from.

Acrylic Fish Tanks
The advantages of acrylic fish tanks are:

Super clear viewing

Lighter than glass

Can be moulded into cool shapes

The downsides of acrylic fish tanks are:

Prone to scratches

Porous so can absorb chemicals

Can yellow over time

Generally a lot more expensive

Glass Fish Tanks
The advantages of glass fish tanks are:

More scratch resistant

Won’t ‘yellow’ over time

Non-porous (so don’t absorb chemicals)

Generally more affordable than acrylic tanks

The downsides of glass fish tanks are:


Less design shapes available

In general, as long as you are fully aware of the points above, you will be capable to make a sound selection. We genuinely believe a glass tank is best value as that material holds up over time. It doesn’t tarnish and it is resistant to scratches as you clean it.


There is also the option of selecting aquariums according to classifications. the most common of these types of characterizations are:

The Freshwater aquarium, which is the most popular – especially for beginners

The Marine or Saltwater aquariums, which are a lot more work to maintain thereby, less popular to beginners.

The Brackish Water aquarium, which combines elements present in both Freshwater and Marine tanks.

With so lots of options on the market, it may be challenging for you to decide which 5 gallon fish tank is the best choice. You want something that is bright enough to accentuate the room, yet not so huge that is requires its own specialist aquarium stand.

It is even a lot more critical that you find a tank that fully satisfies the needs of your fishes. here are five possible options for fish aquariums for you to consider.

Best 5 Gallon Fish tank Reviews

AquaView 6-Gallon 360 Fish tank with Power Filter and LED Lighting

A compact aquarium that is kid-friendly and resistant to impact.

Dimensions: 11 x 19-3/4 x 11 inches
Size: 6 gallons

This small aquarium holds six gallons of water and has a cylindrical shape that uses a 360-degree view. The tank is the ideal choice for homes, dormitory rooms and offices where a bit of subtle style is necessary.

The LED lighting is energy efficient and uses seven different colors which is a special characteristic.

This aquarium has the Superclean 10 internal power filter that purifies yourtank at a flow rate of 45 GPH. discolorations and odors are the first to go when this cleaning mechanism is activated.

You can get a clear view of your fish with the seamless acrylic construction of this tank. The AquaView fish tank is resistant to impact and kid-friendly. beginners get all the tools needed to start a freshwater aquarium habitation.


Great external design

Unique shape which doesn’t take up much bench space for a 6 gallon tank


Heater not included and may be fiddly to fit into a ‘perfect’ place

Acrylic tank may not suit some aquarists needs

KollerCraft 6.5 Gallon Aquarium kit with internal Filter and LED Lighting

A beginner tank that comes with enough supplies to last a month.

Dimension: 11 x 18 x 12.5 Inch
Size: 6.5 gallons

This aquarium is the best starter kit that lets beginners get a taste of 6.5 gallons worth of fish care. equipped with a filter that cleans at a 45 GPH flow rate for clear water results. The Tetra whisper X filter cartridge within the filter purifies water so that discolorations and odors are things of the past.

Great value aquarium for beginners.

Another perk associated with this product is the LED lighting that is energy efficient and diverse. Amber, Aqua, and standard blue are three of lots of colors that emulate the light. The kit that comes with this tank supplies everything you need to start a freshwater aquarium.

This tank is the ideal choice for fish lovers but could cause bodily harm to other creatures such as frogs.


A special and interesting shaped aquarium

Easy to set up


LED light does not work with a timer

Acrylic tank may not suit everyone

Marineland ML90609 portrait Aquarium Kit, 5-Gallon

The Marineland fish tank has a three stage filter for great water conditions

Dimension: 11.8 x 11.6 x 17 inches
Size: 5 gallons

The Marineland aquarium is of a portrait orientation – this is good for those that do not have much desk / table top space as the tank is not as large as other 5 gallon fish tanks.

The fish tank has some great design finishing touches such as the modern black frame.

The design is enhanced additionally with a hidden back compartment which houses the included advanced 3 stage filter. (plus there is enough room for you to squeeze in a small heater)

Bright LED lighting is included on a hinged over hanging frame and makes part of the well thought out design of the tank. The lighting has two settings, white and blue (night mode), that could support some easy care live plants.


Great for first-time fish owners

3-stage filtration system for great water quality

Hidden back compartment keeps filter and heater out of view 


Portrait design indicates fish have less horizontal swim  space 

Lid is a little fiddly

Tetra Crescent acrylic Aquarium Kit

Energy efficiency and hidden LED lights are cool features used by the Tetra.

Dimension: 16.6 x 11.2 x 13.2 inches

Size: 5 gallons

Energy efficiency and lighting are at the helm of the Tetra fish tank. several LED lights are hidden within the design of this aquarium. A mechanical filter neatly fits on the back of the tank and works quietly to keep water conditions optimal.

This aquarium kit is ideal for beginners.

The Tetra aquarium comes with a kit that makes it easy for beginners to start. Ultra activated carbon is incorporated for a lot more efficient removal of odors and discoloration.

The size and shape of this tank makes it a great fish tank for a betta fish.


LED lighting is bright

Great size and shape


Lid is quite flimsy

Acrylic tank is not for everyone

Fluval Spec V Aquarium Kit, 5-Gallon

The Fluval Spec is a 5-gallon nano aquarium with a powerful LED lighting system.

Dimension: 17.2 x 10.6 x 6.3 Inches

Size: 5 gallons

The Fluval Spec V is a incredibly elegant aquarium. It is made from glass and has an aluminum trim which helps give it it’s modern look.

There is a hidden compartment which keeps the advanced three stage filtration system out of sight – for your fish checking out pleasure.

This compartment can also keep a heater out of sight. The heater is not included and only one of a certain size will fit. The one we use is the Hydor 50 and it fits great!

The robust 37 LED lighting system which seems to hover above the tank will support low / medium care live plants​.

The 17.2 inch length of this tank is bigger than a lot of 5 gallon fish tanks. This uses a lot more horizontal room for the fish to swim than other options which may suit certain types of fish. We also rate this tank as the best betta fish tank.


Great quality and elegant product

Advanced filtration system included

Hidden compartment keep wires tidy and tank complimentary of hardware

LED lights included which can support live plants


Even though adjustable the pump can be too strong (for betta fish)

The best Fish tank From Our Reviews

The Fluval Spec V is our best 5 gallon fish tank. With its eye-catching design, advanced 3 stage filTER និងអំពូល LED LED គឺជាអ្នកឈ្នះច្បាស់ក្នុងចំណោមរថក្រោះត្រីទាំង 5 ។

មានគុណភាពខ្ពស់ដែលរំពឹងថានឹងផលិតផល Flutval និងលក្ខណៈពិសេសរបស់។ បន្ទប់លាក់ទុករក្សាផ្នែករឹងទាំងអស់ចេញពីទិដ្ឋភាពហើយផ្តល់ឱ្យមានកន្លែងជាច្រើនសម្រាប់ត្រីរបស់អ្នកហែលទឹក។

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